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Being rurban is not just a way of life, it is a mindset

Dr. Shalini & Ramesh Legala
April 12, 2023
Dr. Shalini Legala, Ramesh Legala, and their daughter Rasha Legala are a breed apart in terms of their beliefs and philosophies of life. They are a tight-knit family who cherish Organo’s rurban way of life and its significant social impact. The rural charm and urban comfort of Organo eco-habitats made them not only the residents of the community but also led to a deep commitment to sustainable living and larger good.

Family Life and Origin

Dr. Shalini and Ramesh Legala's family, completed by their vibrant daughter Rasha, epitomizes unity in diversity. While Shalini is a devoted practitioner in the medical field, Ramesh navigates the business world with adeptness. They believe that the home is not just a dwelling, but a living, breathing organism that nurtures its inhabitants.

"Naturally rurban"

Rasha, their 13-year-old daughter, adds an energetic spirit to this familial union. Being mature beyond her years, Rasha is a beacon of her parents' values, championing sustainability, and the rurban lifestyle from a young age. As a family, they thrive on the balance between rural tranquility and urban indulgences. They regard this not merely as a lifestyle choice, but a mindset, echoing the notion, "Home is where the heart is."

"Every aspect of Organo's rurban way of life struck a chord with us. Environmentally, socially - it just made sense to embrace Kandawada too."

The Discovery of Kandawada

The Legala family's discovery of Kandawada was a beautiful twist of fate. Ramesh recalls, "My visit to the spa at Organo Naandi was purely for a therapy session. Little did I know that I was stepping into a universe that would redefine our lives." His therapist, Madhuri Challagolla, unknowingly set the course for their journey towards a sustainable lifestyle.

The enchanting rurban community of Naandi stole Rasha's heart instantly, and she says, "I loved everything about it! I'm glad my parents were on the same page." Their affinity for Naandi made the decision to invest in Organo Kandawada a natural progression. Ramesh confesses, "Every aspect of Organo's rurban way of life struck a chord with us.

"Environmentally, socially - it just made sense to embrace Kandawada too."

Childhood, Personal Journey, and a Question

Dr. Shalini and Ramesh's childhood experiences have significantly shaped their outlook on life. Shalini, as a medical professional, understands the integral connection between nature and wellness. Similarly, Ramesh, with his business acumen, recognizes the value of sustainability for long-term societal prosperity. These influences have converged to guide their choices in fostering an environment that promotes well-being for their family and society.

As Rasha transitions into adolescence, she displays an understanding of sustainability that's remarkable for her age. She acknowledges, "Whoever understands farming will never waste food. It's essential to know the origin of our food." This awareness, nurtured by her parents and experiences at Organo, underscores the family's commitment to a sustainable lifestyle.

Embracing the Organo way of life was more than a housing decision for the Legala family; it was a commitment to being part of a larger good. As they continue their journey at Kandawada, one can't help but ponder, "How will their presence inspire others in this community to deepen their commitment to sustainability and social impact?"

"Whoever understands farming will never waste food. It's essential to know the origin of our food." Rasha Legala