Sustainability, Biodiversity, Harnessing Natural Resources and Organic Living are the driving principles of Organo. However, it's not just within the community, but Organo has made an impact on the neighboring villages - Aziznagar, Yenkepally and Bakaram - as well. "Ecological balance cannot be achieved in isolation," says Lakshmi Battula, who is in charge of the farming and animal husbandry at Organo, "It is important to spread the science of organic farming to the surrounding areas as well. Otherwise, the soil, air and water contamination cannot be undone. Simply because, the chemically polluted air and water have an adverse impact on Organo and may reverse the positive changes brought in the environment by Organic farming. That is why we have taken up the responsibility of creating awareness and sensitizing the farming communities followed by training them in organic farming as well as providing the necessary manure, pesticides and insecticides to the farmers."
That the impact has been tremendous and near perfect is reflected in the mindsets of farmers who have switched to nature's ways. "The reason I considered Organic farming is the fact that our soil had become depleted," explains Tirupati Reddy, "The yield was continuously reducing every year. It worried us because farming is our livelihood and everything will take a beating if our crops get affected. When we heard from one of Organo experts that this happens with prolonged use of chemicals, it was a wake- up call for us. The health benefits of organic yield were secondary at that time because we just wanted to feed our families first. After we started adopting techniques and organic products imparted to us by Organo, our crops have become abundant. The best part is, we don't have to go looking for a buyer, everything we produce is bought by Organo. For us, it is a win-win situation. In the process, we're also contributing to nature, and that makes us double happy."
The Organo farming team visits villages, mobilises the farmers, imparts training in Organo' s fields first to ensure the thorough transfer of practices and knowledge which then gets implemented by the farmers in their own farms. The impact of Organo extends from empowering local farming communities by imparting organic farming techniques practices, producing organic vegetables, poultry, meats and milk, bee-keeping, solar power generation to biodiversity. Organo derives its strength from the assistance of its conglomerate of highly qualified and experienced technical experts & associates from diverse fields.