By Prabha Damotharan, Naandian
We were living in the heart of the city before moving to Organo Naandi. Almost 10 years of city living as a family. Life in the city was fun too since we were part of a huge community there. And the apparent city comforts, social life, and accessibility to everything made it a cakewalk.
Moving to Organo Naandi wasn’t a planned decision. I would like to recall it more like an organic choice as we eventually decided to stay here for longer. We had actually thought of living here for one year, more like a testing period, before making a choice to shift to Naandi. My inhibitions made the idea of staying away from the city and friends a bit challenging initially.
As I expected, there were some hurdles initially, especially related to my kids’ school, their extracurricular activities, shopping, emergency transportation, and so on. But with passing days, the hurdles started fading away with much better alternatives. The school commute became easy with carpooling. The online training facilities for extracurricular activities like language training, chess, painting, etc. were very productive and the shift didn’t seem to affect my children at all. Besides, all the physical activity arrangements were available inside the community itself like dance, tennis, music, basketball, swimming, and so on. My children started having a fun-filled life inside Organo Naandi.
To my own surprise, I could reduce a lot of unnecessary shopping which was a reality for me earlier. The availability of fresh and natural food in our community farms lessened the wastage of additional shopping and storing.
The idea of living close to nature was surreal for me. Personally, the essence of Rurban life got into my head from the time we started involving actively in the farming processes. It was a rejuvenating experience for me and my children. The time that we otherwise spend in front of the TV, we were exploring our surroundings and learning from it. I was truly relieved that I could take their attention away from gadgets and surprisingly, they loved it too.
Slowly but steadily, I could sense that I was falling in love with this serene place and our life here.