TS RERA No.P02400003403.
Organo Editorial

My little adjustment

By Sunitha Ravuri 

I moved to Organo Naandi three years ago and love everything about the place. I do not feel very comfortable when I see a snake, though. I have seen a few in the community and that makes me quite uncomfortable. However, I do accept it as part of living with nature. 

Apart from snakes, there are frogs that one sees often here, especially during the rainy season. I have a pond in my garden, in which I love growing lilies and other water plants. There are little snails and insects that are always seen. That is not too much of a bother. But the frogs that come into the pond create quite a ruckus at night. The noise is bothersome and often disturbs our sleep. 

One other thing that can be a bother sometimes is the birds that often tend to peck at the glass doors of my bedroom balcony. 

These sounds can be quite a disturbance at times, especially at nights. But over time, I have gotten used to them. We are living in their space, so it is natural for these creatures to live in ours. 

I have come to accept it as a small price to pay for living a life in healthy, peaceful and nature-infused environs. When you compare the benefits of this ambience and the impact it has on our wellbeing, these are merely little adjustments to make. 

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