TS RERA No.P02400003403.

Concept Note for Organo Damaragidda Landscape Design

April 24, 2023


A community is not just a group of individual homes or buildings; it is a group of people who share common values, interests, and experiences. One way to foster a sense of community is by encouraging social gatherings and events that bring people together. When neighbors come together to use the spaces between their homes, such as parks, playgrounds, or community gardens, it creates opportunities for socializing and building relationships. Through seasonal festivities and celebrations held throughout the year, such as seasonal festivities, holiday or religious parades, outdoor concerts, or neighborhood potlucks, community members can connect with one another and celebrate their shared experiences. When a community is themed around a village, it often means that it has a strong cultural and historical identity that is reflected in its traditions and celebrations. This can create a sense of pride and belonging among residents, as well as attract visitors who are interested in learning about the local culture. By creating opportunities for social interaction and celebration, communities can come alive and become more than just a collection of buildings or homes; they can become vibrant, inclusive, and supportive places where people feel connected to one another and invested in their collective well-being.

In Damaragidda, the community and social spaces play a crucial role in bringing residents and visitors together. The design of these spaces is geared towards promoting healthy activities and encouraging a sense of community. One way this is achieved is by locating these spaces around farms and homes, making them easily accessible to residents. This not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also allows residents to connect with the natural environment and enjoy the surrounding landscapes.

The design of these outdoor spaces also prioritizes discoverability and walkability, with a focus on reducing vehicle usage. This approach encourages residents to walk or bike to these spaces, promoting physical activity and reducing carbon emissions. The outdoor spaces are designed to be engaging and diverse, catering to a wide range of interests and age groups.

By designing social and community spaces in this way, Damaragidda is able to foster a strong sense of community, promote healthy lifestyles, and reduce the environmental impact of transportation. These spaces not only serve as places for leisure and socialization but also contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

Streetscapes and Public realm:

The design of streetscapes and public realm in Damaragidda is guided by the priority of pedestrian and cyclist use, as vehicular access is restricted within the central spine. The rural context is also considered in the conceptualization of these spaces. In rural settings, intersections are the most active public realm, where people gather under large trees to socialize, interact, and discuss. These intersections are designed with comfortably shaded seating areas with fragrant climbers to encourage usability and create a sense of place.

To promote social networking and gathering, cycle parking and other amenities are designed within each village street (Veedhis), creating opportunities for play and interaction. The landscape is designed to integrate with the pathways, blurring the edges and creating a rural character. The streetscapes are not monotonous or linear, but rather interspersed with intersections and mid-block crossings, which are appended with comfortable and shaded seating areas. These spaces encourage people to stop, rest, and interact with one another.

Large shaded gathering spaces are provided within the farm pathway, where people can observe farming activities, rest, and even process the harvest. By providing these spaces, Damaragidda promotes a sense of community, connectivity, and inclusivity. These spaces serve not only as places for leisure and socialization but also as practical areas where farming activities can be carried out. The design of these spaces reflects the rural context, while also incorporating modern amenities and sustainable features.


Safety in design is an approach that aims to identify and eliminate or mitigate hazards in the design of products, structures, and systems. The goal is to prevent accidents and injuries by designing out potential hazards from the beginning, rather than relying on measures such as protective equipment or warning signs. This involves considering safety as a fundamental aspect of design, alongside functionality, aesthetics, and other factors. Safety in design involves a range of considerations, such as the materials and construction methods used, the potential impact on users and the environment, and the intended use and expected lifespan of the product or system. By incorporating safety into the design process, designers and engineers can create products and systems that are safer, more reliable, and more effective, ultimately contributing to improved quality of life for users and society as a whole.

The integration of pedestrian safety in streetscape and road design is an essential aspect of creating safe and livable communities. Designing streets that prioritize the safety and comfort of pedestrians can encourage more walking, biking, and public transportation use, which in turn can reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and promote physical activity. Incorporating features such as crosswalks, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and traffic calming measures, such as narrowed carriageway or roundabouts, can help reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents. Additionally, ensuring adequate lighting and visibility can also improve pedestrian safety, particularly at night. Designers and engineers can also consider the needs of vulnerable users, such as children, the elderly, and those with disabilities, in the design process to create inclusive streets that accommodate everyone. By integrating pedestrian safety into streetscape and road design, communities can promote active transportation, improve public health, and create more vibrant, livable neighborhoods for all.

Integrating pedestrian safety and improvement of public realm while designing roads requires a holistic approach that considers the needs of all road users. One way to do this is by incorporating features that encourage walking and cycling, such as wide sidewalks, bike lanes, and shared spaces. Providing comfortable and accessible seating areas, greenery, and other amenities can also enhance the public realm and create a sense of place that encourages people to spend time in the area. Adequate lighting and signage also improve visibility and wayfinding for pedestrians, particularly at night. By engaging with local communities and stakeholders throughout the design process, designers can identify specific needs and tailor the design to the unique context of the area. Ultimately, integrating pedestrian safety and improving the public realm can create more vibrant, accessible, and inclusive spaces that benefit everyone in the community.

In Damaragidda, a "Living Street" concept, also known as a "woonerf," has been adapted to create a safe pedestrian environment. To reduce vehicle speed, design parameters such as varying material use, narrowing the perceptive width of the street, increasing surface roughness, and breaking the linear continuity of the road have been integrated. This creates a pedestrian-friendly atmosphere that prioritizes safety and connectivity.

Shaded reverse parking is encouraged to reduce conflicts on the main road and improve overall safety. The use of boot spaces is also encouraged from the pedestrian spine, further promoting a safe and pedestrian-oriented environment. Upstand kerbs that define the roads in urban areas have been eliminated to provide a rural context, and the edges have been blurred to promote safe and slow driving. All other access streets in Damaragidda use pedestrian-friendly local materials, which further enhances the walkability and safety of the community.

By adapting the "Living Street" concept to suit the context of Damaragidda, the community has been able to create a safe and pedestrian-oriented environment that prioritizes safety and connectivity. The design parameters implemented have reduced vehicle speed and created a pedestrian-friendly atmosphere that encourages walking and cycling. This not only promotes healthy lifestyles but also reduces the environmental impact of transportation. Overall, the integration of the "Living Street" concept has significantly improved the safety and quality of life for residents in Damaragidda.


In designing streetscapes and landscapes in Damaragidda, the availability of water is considered a critical factor. Since water is a precious element for all biotic components, the use and conservation of water are prioritized to provide maximum benefit to residents. To promote the efficient use of water, impervious surfaces are consciously reduced in the main spine and parking areas to facilitate percolation and increase moisture availability for the plant environment.

Moreover, the material usage within the farm access road is minimized to promote lower water footprints. Materials that require less water for maintenance and can be used in all seasons are preferred. Concrete, which has the highest embodied energy and requires significant amounts of water in its production, is consciously reduced.

The design philosophy in Damaragidda promotes the use of sustainable materials and practices, including the use of recycled materials and the incorporation of native plant species. The landscape is designed to facilitate efficient water use through the use of rainwater harvesting and the promotion of natural drainage systems. The conservation of water resources is essential for the sustainability of the community and the preservation of the environment. By prioritizing the availability and efficient use of water, Damaragidda has been able to create a sustainable and resilient community that prioritizes the well-being of its residents and the natural environment.


Wind can have a significant impact on planting design, as it can damage plants, disperse seeds, and cause erosion. In areas with high winds, it is important to choose plants that are adapted to the local conditions, such as trees with flexible trunks or deep root systems. Grouping plants together in clusters can also help to provide mutual support and reduce the impact of wind on individual plants. Windbreaks, such as hedges or fences, can be used to protect vulnerable plants from strong winds. Additionally, using mulch or ground covers can help to stabilize soil and prevent erosion, which can be particularly important in areas with high winds. By taking these steps to mitigate the effects of wind on planting design, designers and homeowners can create attractive, healthy, and resilient outdoor spaces that can withstand a range of weather conditions.

Yes, wind is an important factor that can affect the outdoor thermal comfort in any area. In Damaragidda, the placement of trees plays an essential role in improving the outdoor thermal comfort by providing shade and reducing the impact of dry and hot winds. The design of the landscape and streetscape also takes into account the direction and intensity of the wind to ensure that the outdoor spaces are comfortable and pleasant for residents and visitors.

The placement of trees in the landscape is carefully considered to maximize their benefits in improving the microclimate. Trees are strategically placed to create windbreaks that protect against dry and hot winds while allowing moisture-laden winds to enter the area. This helps in maintaining the relative humidity within an area, which is essential for the health of plants and human comfort.

The design philosophy in Damaragidda also promotes the use of natural materials in the landscape and streetscape design. The use of natural materials such as stone, wood, and bamboo helps to regulate the temperature and humidity of outdoor spaces. The landscape is designed to facilitate natural ventilation and the use of shading devices such as pergolas and trellises to create comfortable and pleasant outdoor spaces.

Overall, the design of the landscape and streetscape in Damaragidda takes into account the importance of wind in creating a comfortable and healthy outdoor environment. By prioritizing the placement of trees and the use of natural materials, the community has been able to create a sustainable and resilient environment that promotes the well-being of its residents and visitors.


Water-sensitive planting design is an approach to landscape design that prioritizes the management of water resources. It involves selecting plants that are suited to the local climate, soil type, and rainfall patterns, and arranging them in a way that promotes water conservation and reduces runoff. Water-sensitive planting design can also involve the use of permeable surfaces, such as gravel or porous paving, which allow water to infiltrate into the soil instead of running off into storm drains. This approach to landscaping can help to reduce water usage and improve the health of local ecosystems by promoting the use of native plants and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. By incorporating water-sensitive planting design into landscape projects, designers and homeowners can help to create sustainable, resilient, and beautiful outdoor spaces that benefit both people and the environment.

In addition to the placement of trees, the selection of vegetation also plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable and healthy environment. In Damaragidda, fruit forests and native deciduous trees are prioritized, as they have medicinal values and require less water. Ornamental and exotic varieties are also integrated into the design to enhance the aesthetic value of the public parks and gardens. The use of bamboos along the fence line is also incorporated to create a bio fence around the project site. Bamboos are fast-growing, low maintenance and eco-friendly, and serve as an excellent natural barrier. The integration of these vegetation elements not only adds to the visual appeal of the space but also contributes to the overall health and well-being of the community by improving air quality and providing shade.

About Studio Organo

We are a cross-functional and research-focused team of architects, engineers, and technical experts, who ideate, refine and detail eco habitat products, components, and solutions. Our core intent is to co-create and manifest apt rurban lifestyles across all eco-habitat components to celebrate the living for respective user groups. From earth-friendly neighborhoods to home interiors, we’ve got it all covered.

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Website :https://www.organo.co.in/studio-organo

If you’d like to know about our design explorations or if you would like to be part of our user research as we refine the design, please email us at studio@organo.co.in