TS RERA No.P02400003403.
Organo Editorial

What do Rurban communities have in store for the young generation?

Social isolation and lack of access to nature can be termed as the most unfortunate outcome of modern life, especially for young ones. While urban life offers them with certain comforts and technological advantages, there are many things that they are deprived of from a very young age, be it pollution-free surroundings or unadulterated food, or even the opportunity for social interaction. Rather things particularly crucial for healthy physical and mental growth in children. 

kids learning with fun

While talking about alternative options to overcome this, Rurban communities cannot be missed. Rurban communities offer all the essential elements important for a child’s development. The ‘co-existing with nature’ aspect of these communities not only bestows a pollution-free environment but will also introduce the young ones to nature from a very young age. They would learn to be empathetic and mindful of everything in their surroundings. 

kid exploring nature

Growing up in cities make most of the kids believe that the food they consume is grown inside supermarkets. We cannot blame them for that, blame it on their lack of access to witness farming and related activities. In Rurban communities, where farming takes place in their vicinity, children will get to see, engage, and learn about growing their own food. Let them get into the dirt and explore nature on their own. 

kids playing colors in communities

While we talk about self-learning extensively, there are other important aspects children will have to learn to be in a social environment. Social interactions are extremely important for mental growth that develops the feeling of sharing, compassion, social behaviour, and many more. In Rurban communities, while they get to interact and collaborate with their peers, children also get to mingle with elders and older generations. This intergenerational exchange of values and holistic learnings are more productive and longlasting than their virtual knowledge. Indeed a priceless gift that parents can give to their children for a brighter and sustainable future. 

Do you want to nurture your kids in a productive and 'nature-some' environment? Let's connect… 

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